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Every second Saturday of every month we will offer a
collective ceremony and free-of-charge individual times
for BIPOC people only with the curanderos Lisa and
Curanderismo is an ancestral practice used in Mexico, Central, and South America to aid mental, spiritual, and physical ailments. It can be defined as a set of traditional practices, beliefs, and rituals that address social and spiritual needs, supports mental health, and offers solace to individuals at different times.

Lisa Martinez is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine and registered Psychotherapist with the State of Colorado. She is a student of La Maestra Clarissa Pinkola Estés and has attended many years of her training via the Archetypal and Cross-Cultural Studies Institute. She is also a participant of The International Collaboration of Indigenous Healers, Curanderos, Sanadores y Shamans which originated in the sacred mountains of the Tepoztlan Valley in Mexico.

Samuel Nez was born and raised near Shiprock, New Mexico on the Navajo Reservation. He is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, a certified NADA Acu-Detox Specialist. He is a long-time student of La Maestra Clarissa Pinkola Estés and has attended many years of her training via the Archetypal and Cross-Cultural Studies Institute. Samuel offers classes including Sacred Feather Medicine, Herbal Smoke as a Spiritual Practice, and more. You can find his offerings through RitualCravt School.
Join us in collective ceremony and 1:1 times every second Saturday of every month!

Check our social media for future dates and registration link!
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